This is a deep-fried version of the famous green papaya salad. ‘Som Tum Tod’ ส้มตำทอด, comprises the same ingredients of the fresh version, however in this version the green papaya shreds are deep-fried, changing the essence of this dish into a snack or a side dish almost like potato fries.

A fun dish and a great match for a cold beer on hot nights.

Ingredients and preparations

Deep fryer:

  • Shredded green papaya
  • Frying batter, runny consistency
  • Vegetable oil for deep frying

Serving bowl:


  • ‘KeeNu’ chilies 2-5
  • Garlic 2-3 cloves
  • Cherry tomatoes, a handful
  • Coconut sugar, about 4 tbs
  • Lime juice, about 2 tbs
  • Light soy sauce, about 4 tbs

1.Prepare the sauce in a ‘Pok Pok’ mortar by first pounding chilies and garlic, then add the sugar, lime, and soy sauce. Halve and add the tomatoes and lightly pound them. Taste and correct with soy, lime, or sugar. The taste should be balanced salty, sweet, and sour. Transfer to a sauce bowl.

2.In a utility bowl thoroughly mix the papaya shreds with the frying batter to coat the shreds with the batter. Heat frying oil and fry the papaya shreds in batches until nicely browned. Remove from the oil with a strainer spatula and place on a paper towel to let excess oil drain.

3.Plate the fried papaya. Sprinkle with yardlong bean and peanuts. Serve with the sauce.

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